
How to Improve Your Local SEO with Google Listings

How to Improve Your Local SEO with Google Listings One of the best ways to improve your local SEO is by updating your Google listing. Your Google listing is one of the first things potential customers will see when they search for your business, so it's important to make sure the information in your listing is accurate and up-to-date. In addition to updating your Google listing, you should also make sure the information in your other listings (such as Yelp, Bing, and Yellow Pages) is identical to that of your Google listing. By doing this, you'll ensure potential customers can find accurate information about your business no matter where they look. Updating Your Google Listing One of the first things you'll need to do when updating your Google listing is claim your business. If you haven't already done so, you can claim your business by following these steps: 1. Go to 2. Click "Start Now." 3. Enter the name of your business

How easy is it to get to page one of Google with my search terms?

How easy is it to get to page one of Google with my search terms? If you're like many business owners, you've probably asked yourself this question at some point. After all, appearing on the first page of Google is essential for driving traffic to your website and increasing your chances of conversion. But how easy is it to achieve this feat? The answer, unfortunately, is that there is no easy answer. The truth is that it depends on a number of factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the age of your website, and the quality of your content. That being said, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of appearing on the first page of Google. One of the most important things you can do is to make sure you are using the right keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases that people use when they are searching for something on the internet. If you're not using relevant keywords in your content, then it's unlikely that you will appear in

Promotional Videos For Business

In today's digital age, businesses need to be where their customers are. And more and more, that means being on YouTube. With over two billion monthly active users, YouTube is an incredibly powerful platform with a global reach. What's more, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, behind only its parent company, Google. That means that there are a lot of opportunities for businesses to reach new customers by creating promotional videos and posting them on YouTube. But what are the benefits of promotional videos for businesses? Let's take a look. Benefit #1: Increased Visibility The first benefit of creating promotional videos for your business is that it will help you to increase your visibility online. When you post videos on YouTube, you are creating another touchpoint for potential customers to find you. And the more touchpoints you have, the greater the chance that someone will eventually convert into a paying customer. Furthermore, when you po

New Website For Truck And Marine Cranes

New Website for Truck And Marine Cranes We are excited to announce that the new website for Truck And Marine Cranes is now live. Check it out at Get in touch for a free quote for your business.  We offer web design, SEO, Google ads, and social media marketing services. Webdigital Works is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in web design, SEO, Google ads, and social media marketing. We are proud to have launched the new website for Truck And Marine Cranes, a leading provider of truck and marine cranes in the UK. The new website has a clean design and is mobile-friendly, making it easy for users to get quotes and find the information they need. The site is also optimised for search engines, so potential customers will be able to find Truck And Marine Cranes easily online.  In addition to the new website, we have also set up social media accounts for Truck And Marine Cranes on Facebook and Instagram. We will be posting regular updates an

Shipping Containers New Website Live

New site live Get the Cheapest Price Quotes for 20ft / 40ft Containers Online Are you in need of a 20ft or 40ft container for your business? Maybe you're looking for a high cube container? Whatever your needs, we can help you get the best price quotes online. Our experienced staff will work with you to get you the best prices on the internet. Keep reading to learn more about our services. How We Can Help You We have a team of experienced professionals who are experts in getting the best prices on 20ft and 40ft containers. We'll work with you to understand your needs and find the best option for you. We have a wide network of providers, so we're confident that we can find the best deal for you. In addition to our experience, we also have access to the latest tools and technology. This allows us to get you the best prices quickly and efficiently. We understand that time is money, so we'll work quickly and efficiently to get you the best de

Do people click on ads or organic listings first on Google?

Do people click on ads or organic listings first on Google? We’ve all been there. You type a few words into the Google search bar, hit enter, and are faced with a screen of results. But which do you click on first—the ad at the top of the page or one of the organic listings further down? The answer may surprise you. A 2012 study conducted by Chitika Insights found that, of the clicks on a Google SERP (search engine results page), 61.5% went to an organic listing while only 5.7% went to an ad. This is despite the fact thatads occupy the majority of above-the-fold real estate on a SERP. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all ads are created equal—text ads, banner ads, and video ads all have different rates of conversion. The study found that text ads had a CTR (click-through rate) of 3.17%, while video and display ads had CTRs of 0.39% and 0.19%, respectively. Why do people tend to click on organic listings over ads? There are a few possible explanations. First and f

How To Get More Page Likes On LinkedIn: Organic Vs. Paid Methods

How To Get More Page Likes On LinkedIn: Organic Vs. Paid Methods In order to further your business goals on LinkedIn, it’s important to have a strong page presence with a high number of page likes. The more likes your page has, the more authority and credibility your company will have in the eyes of potential customers and partners. But how do you get more page likes? In this blog post, we’ll break down the differences between organic and paid methods for getting more page likes on LinkedIn so that you can make the best decision for your business. Organic Methods For Getting More Page Likes Organic methods are those that you can implement without spending any money. These methods include things like optimizing your profile, posting fresh content, and engaging with other users. Let’s take a closer look at each of these organic methods: Optimizing Your Profile: One of the most important things you can do to increase your page likes is to make sure that your profile is optimized.